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THE NEWS that one airline has started offering adult-only areas on its flights sparked debate around the world.

So, we asked Australians what they thought of the idea. Here are some of the various responses posted on social media.

“The idea of adults-only flights isn’t such a bad concept. But in practical sense, you don’t need the whole flight to be adults-only, you only need sections.

“In the future, “savvy?” airlines could offer the ability to select seats in the adult section for a fee and also the ability to select a child-friendly section for a fee.” Steve H.

“In all my 20 years of travelling for work, parents with infants in the bulkheads have been the most conscientious and the babies sleep most of the flight apart from the obvious ascent and descent ear pops. Kids just watch their iPad the whole flight these days.” Adam T.

“On my last couple of long-haul flights, I’ve had more noise from adults than the kids travelling!” Angela H.

“Before kids. ‘Oh god, get me away from that screaming child’. After kids. ‘Oh, I hope that screaming child is ok. I hope mum is ok. What can I do? Do they need Nurofen?’”. Charlie T.

“I’d prefer if they adopted what already exists in rail travel of ‘quiet’ zones, which not only appeal to adults seeking lower disturbance but to those with say sensory disorders, which for comfort would also appreciate less sound, light, or minimal interaction.” Siobhan C.

“Why stop there? Maybe they could offer a section with no annoying drunk adults. They tend to cause more of a disturbance than children.” Daniel K.

“What about a surcharge for people who snore?” Lokesh V.

“If it means avoiding a child kicking my backrest because his or her parents suck at discipline, absolutely.” Tony A.

“Or a ‘creche’ style zone at the rear close to the galley and toilets. Shouldn’t need to pay extra.” Ezio R.

“Just another first world problem. What next? Kids free lounge?” Shailesh K.

“AirAsia and Scoot have “child free” or “silence” zones. Personally, it doesn’t worry me…but if anything, its kids and adults who listen to their device without headphones so that we all have to follow along with whatever Spongebob is doing (it surprises me that more kids don’t cry on a long-haul flight – because sometimes I want to).” Andrew S.

“I’d even opt for a child free planet.” Stephen L.