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P&O Cruises VP Guest Experience and Hotel Operations, Deborah Cogin.

Be warned. Ruthless prioritisation is how Deborah Cogin gets through the day.

The newest addition to the P&O Cruises leadership team says she is already addicted to the pace and energy of the cruise industry just a few months into her new role as Vice President Guest Experience and Hotel Operations.

With a slimmed down fleet of three ships, P&O Cruises is steaming out of the pandemic at full speed and on to a new phase of growth in Australia and New Zealand.

“Joining P&O Cruises has been one of the most dynamic and satisfying times in my career to date,” Cogin says.

“I feel completely at home. The team at P&O has been the highlight – both ship and shore. I’m really enjoying their stories, insights and humble achievements and really inspired by their commitment and enthusiasm.”

Traveltalk caught up with Deborah Cogin prior to Christmas to find out more about her travel history and plans for P&O in 2023.

Do you pack light or take the whole wardrobe?

That depends on where I’m going and what mode of transport!

Car = Wardrobe, Ships and Planes = Light.

Are you packed well in advance or a last-minute crammer?

I’m a ‘well in advance’ type packer, don’t want to miss a thing!

What keeps you entertained on a long-haul flight?

A good podcast, movie or book, and I’m in flight mode!

Besides your phone, what essential technology do you travel with?

That would depend on where I’m travelling to and who I’m travelling with. I like being off the grid when travelling, so just a good ‘ole fashioned watch does the trick!

Have you ever lost your bag while travelling? Did you see it again?

Thankfully I’ve never had the misfortune of losing a bag, that would be catastrophic…for the person finding it!

What is your most hilarious or unbelievable travel story?

In 2019, in the middle of Wadi Rum desert, my best friend and I stayed in one of those inflatable Ecco bubbles, thinking we’d watch the star-studded sky before lights out. What we didn’t factor into the equation was the generator shutting down!

We woke up at 2am wondering why things had gotten so quiet to discover we were about to be suffocated by the deflating Ecco bubble! I’ve never laughed so hard, it was hysterical…

And finally, what is the most amazing place you’ve been in the world?

I’ve been so very fortunate to travel and meet so many amazing people and see such beautiful places around the world, but for me Mt Everest and Jordan have been my highlights to date. The travel journey is certainly not over for me yet and I have Egypt and Africa among my 2023 travel goals.