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Fried Rice With Kagoshima Wagyu Beef Served In Whole Tomato

THE FLAGSHIP property of the famous hotel chain, Shangri-La Singapore is where the group’s legendary Asian hospitality took root in 1971.

Within the hotel is the one-Michelin starred Shang Palace restaurant, which celebrates the elegance, richness and dynamism of Cantonese cuisine.

In May last year, Chef Daniel Cheung joined Shang Palace as its Executive Chinese Chef, bringing to the restaurant more than 37 years in top level Cantonese cooking.

Daniel’s passion for food developed at the age of eight as he watched his father, a fireman, cook for the family. His parents worked long hours and out of necessity Daniel had to learn the ropes; however, after some early struggles he became an adept cook.

When Shangri-La Hong Kong was in search of a new Executive Chinese Chef for its iconic restaurant brand, Shang Palace, Chef Daniel became the appointee of choice.

In his five years at Shang Palace, the restaurant celebrated its one-Michelin-star status and achieved renown for serving classic Cantonese cuisine prepared with sophistication and presented with contemporary flair.

Now, at Shangri-La Singapore, Chef Daniel’s storied journey through the highest levels of Cantonese gastronomy culminates with the launch of a new menu.

Guests will be treated to a collection of signatures – dishes that showcase the Chef’s culinary technique, creative style and unique interpretation – on top of Shang Palace’s current key nostalgic dishes, diners’ favourites and Cantonese classics.

Here we present one of the restaurant’s signature recipes.

Daniel Cheung


Kagoshima Wagyu Beef Fried Rice Ingredients

  • 60 g Kagoshima Wagyu Beef (replaceable with chicken, pork or seafood)
  • 1  Egg, slightly beaten  
  • 1/3 bowl White rice, cooked and chilled  
  • 1 tbs Light Soy Sauce  
  • 1 stalk Scallions, sliced 

Tomato Cup Ingredients

  • 1 piece Beef Tomato / Large Sized Tomato  
  • 5 – 8 pieces Green Peas

Sweet and Sour Sauce Ingredients

  • 6 tbs Tomato sauce  
  • 1.5 tbs Sugar
  • 2/3 bowl Water
  • 1 tbs Corn starch Slurry (a mixture of a cold liquid with corn starch)


1. Wash tomato and dip in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds or until skins split. Dip into cold water, slip off the tomato skin.

2. Cut the top 1/3 off the top of the tomato. Set aside the cut tomato. Using a spoon, scrape the inner membrane and seeds out until you only have the hollow shell left. Set aside the tomato cup.

3. Dice the Kagoshima Wagyu Beef and set aside.

4. Heat a wok with oil over medium-high heat. Once the wok is hot, add the beef and stir-fry until medium well. Remove the beef and set aside.

5. Using the same wok, cook the egg until it is half cooked. Stir in the rice, mix well with the egg and cook for several minutes. If there are large clumps of rice, break them apart. 

6. Add the Beef and Scallions and stir-fry for a few minutes. Add the soy sauce and stir the rice to distribute the seasonings.

7. Heat up the tomato in microwave for 10 to 15 seconds and pour the fried rice into the tomato cup. Cover the tomato cup with the cut tomato slice and place it on a plate.

8. Sweet and Sour Sauce:
In a saucepan, add the tomato sauce, water and sugar, bring to a boil.
Stir in the starch water and simmer for another minute until thickened.

9. Pour the sweet and sour sauce over the tomato cup and on the plate.

10. Garnish the sweet and sour sauce with green pea and the dish is ready to be served.