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A new global campaign launched today by Visit Victoria is aiming to position Victoria as an exciting and must-do travel destination.

Victoria Tourism Industry Council CEO, Felicia Mariani, said introducing the campaign as the  Australian Open 2024 throws open its doors to the world was the perfect way to showcase the  excitement and energy that is part of Victoria’s DNA and the role of our enviable major events  calendar that makes our state truly unique in Australia.

“In recent times, destination marketing has simply become ‘more of the same’ with regions  across the country and around the world all looking to attract us with their beautiful beaches,  sunshine, blue waters, and pristine hinterland.

“Finding a point of difference that can really  make a destination pop and inspire consumers has become increasingly elusive,” Mariani said.

“This new campaign for Victoria has landed on the perfect recipe, stretching the boundaries to  illustrate why our state is ’Every Bit Different’ and lifting the lid on what sets Victoria apart in a  stream of sameness in destination marketing.”

Every Bit Different brings both metro Melbourne and the regions together under a single unifying  brand and will promote regional Victoria in key interstate markets, something that has not  occurred for nearly a decade.

This new campaign will air for the first time today during the Australian Open 2024 broadcast,  maximising one of the biggest sporting events in the world and an outstanding demonstration of Victoria’s extraordinary major events calendar.

“Over the past decade, regional Victoria has largely been marketed to Victorians, encouraging  them to travel in their own backyard. While this has been a sound strategy for activating the  low-hanging fruit, regional Victoria has missed out on the increased overnight expenditure that  comes with interstate visitation.

“That all changes from today,” Mariani said.

“Most importantly, the industry is thrilled to see that this new campaign delivers a destination  brand that is distinct from the Victorian State Government brand identity, providing a platform  that industry can embrace and use in their own marketing efforts.

“We have not had a distinct destination brand for the tourism industry in Victoria since 2015.  Having the platforms of Victoria – Every Bit Different and Melbourne – Every Bit Different, means  tourism operators across the state now have the ability to connect with these campaigns in a  meaningful way and leverage the activity through their own marketing efforts.

“The industry looks forward to working in partnership with Visit Victoria as together we illustrate to the world why we are just that ‘Every Bit Different”