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For the 17th consecutive month, Rex’s domestic jet operations prove to be much more reliable  than both Qantas and Virgin Australia. 

For February 2024, its domestic jet operations On-Time Departure rate again exceeded the  80% mark while Virgin Australia’s domestic operations achieved only 74.1% and Qantas  domestic operations recorded a dismal 71.7%. 

Rex’s cancellation rate for its domestic operations continued to be a stand out at only 1.9%  while Qantas domestic cancellation rate was 100% more and Virgin Australia’s rate was 50%  more.  

Rex’s Chief Operating Officer, Neville Howell, said, “Rex’s outstanding reliability in an  extremely challenging aviation environment is a testament to the indefatigable team at Rex  who work tirelessly everyday to eliminate or reduce disruptions”. 

“We will continue to do so to thank the increasing number of Australians who have now made  Rex the airline of choice.”