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ABOVE: Cappadocia


Q: Why is the Australian market so important to you?

A: Along with New Zealand It makes up 60 per cent of our clients so we are investing in the Australian market because Australians invest in us too.

Q: Turkish Airlines flying here must be good news for your business?

A: Absolutely. They are not direct flights yet but it’s still good for us. Turkish Airlines is also great for Europe and Africa.

A lot of our clients are not just coming for Turkey. Turkey is a gateway to Europe. They either start their European holiday from us or they come to us at the end before they fly home.

Q: What kind of holiday experiences do you offer?

A: We offer cultural group tours because Turkey is like going to a museum. We have 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and if they dig some more, I am sure they will find more! So, we have a lot of history and a unique culture.

Adventure wise our country is a little bit different to others. In Cappadocia you can do hiking or biking but you’re doing it in an open air museum. History is everywhere and our sites are really well protected.

Q: Why do Australians love visiting Turkey?

A:  We are giving them something different that they don’t have here. We will say this building is from 1500 and they will say the oldest building in Australia is only 200 years old.

And as I said earlier, our culture is unique. It has an influence from the Middle East and from Europe – I call ourselves ‘Miditerraneans’ – and we are really easy going. Food and family are really important to us and we are very friendly, just like Australians.

Q: You’re here talking to travel agents about Turkey. Will this become a regular visit going forward?

A: Yes, that’s the goal. We try to come every year because the industry is dynamic and travel agents and product managers change a lot and we need to remind them that there is a whole world they need to cover and to remember Fez Travel.

Q: So clearly travel agents are still very important to you.

A: Yes, because they are the ones talking to customers, sending the reservations and making sure their customers are being looked after.

So, it is important for them to see us in person and trust us. What I see from the travel agents, especially when they work with us for the first time, there is always a trust issue, which I totally understand.

After making that first booking and the client goes back and gives them good feedback, then the travel agent knows they can trust us.

Q: Talking of trust, is Turkey a safe country to visit?

A: Of course. Turkey is a country of 88 million people so it can be a bit chaotic, especially in Istanbul where you can feel a little overwhelmed. But safety wise there isn’t an issue and crime on the street isn’t possible, so travel agents can be happy to recommend Turkey safety wise.

Q: Is it a destination for everyone?

A: Turkish people love children so families will be really relaxed knowing their kids will be well looked after.

We are also seeing more mature clients coming, the 45+, because it’s a long way and they are more flexible with their time and they also need a budget to do it. But really it is a place for everyone.

Q: And of course they should book it with Fez Travel.

A: Absolutely. We are very well connected with Australia, we understand what you are seeking from your holiday and we make sure we maximise your experience in Turkey.