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CHARLIE TREVENA, Founder, Destination Webinars

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: At the beach! After enjoying a winter Christmas in the UK last year, I’m excited to be home in WA this year.

My girls will open their stockings then we’ll hit the beach early before it gets too hot. After that we’ll have some downtime and more pressies at home, before heading to my brother’s house for dinner.

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: All of it… I love the early morning excitement of the kids, the endless food and drinks, and quality time together. It’s so nice to slow down and enjoy every minute.

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: When I was seven, I got a giant plush Snoopy that was almost as tall as me – he still lives at my mum and dad’s house in England.

These days I’m trying to minimise the ‘stuff’, so a spa or experience voucher and homemade gifts from my girls is perfect.

Q: And the worst…?

A: As a child, my parents always did the tradition of putting an orange in the bottom of my stocking, I hated oranges and always put it straight back in the fruit bowl (although I do love a Terry’s chocolate orange!)

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: In a ski resort. Skiing is a huge love of mine and there’s nothing more magical than Christmas in the mountains and snow. We’re already planning for Christmas 2024 in Canada!

Q: If you could invite three people for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: Firstly, my Nana, who is no longer with us and made all my childhood Christmases so special. Donna Ashworth, the most beautiful poet, to share some of her profound words, and the singer Pink, to talk about trailblazing women and also get the party started…

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: To work less and outsource more. And take a break from time to time – I learned this year that just because you can work from anywhere doesn’t mean you always should!

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: To work less and outsource more. As an industry, 2023 has been the year of the bounce back, which is amazing but has put everyone under a lot of pressure.

I’m hearing the same stories from many people who are also beyond their capacity so hopefully we can all rest up and find a better balance next year.

DAVID CLARK, Managing Director Australia, Tauck

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: Pretty traditional this year, big family lunch, mainly my wife’s side then down to Glenelg beach in the late afternoon!

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: The whole day is great, but my wife and I love an early walk, again to the beach, and then coffee and gifts.

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: So many lovely one’s, but I was the most excited when my dad gave me a Ping putter when I was 12 years old, amazing!

Q: And the worst…?

A: My sister’s hand-made tooth pick holder… less said the better…

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: A New York Christmas with my wife and good friends.

Q: If you could invite three people for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: Jeffrey Archer, Billy Connolly and Anthony Bourdain.

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: Health and clear goals for 2024.

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: Continued growth and less chaos… a few clear months of operations for all would be great.

Competition Q1: From which cities can you board the TT2?

ANNA SHANNON, Founder, Travel Agent Finder

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: With my big Italian family. I’ll be heading to Sydney to spend time with them. We are usually outdoors, around the pool, playing with the kids, it’s fun.

Being Italian, this is intermingled with lots of food … all day! And usually homemade lasagna (not a turkey in sight at our place!)

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: Eating (see above)! Taking some time away from work and normal everyday life to be with loved ones is always special. The food coma is great relaxation time too!

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: A special limited edition of my favourite classic novel, Pride and Prejudice.

Q: And the worst…?

A: A cutlery set. Boring!

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: I have fond childhood memories of a Christmas in Europe once. The way they decorate the towns with all the lights and Christmas markets is etched into my mind forever, so I’d love to experience that again.

Q: If you could invite three people for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: Joan of Arc – I’d love to quiz her on how she knew the difference between divine guidance and a strong-willed mind and imagination when making moves that changed society and the world.

My nonna – just to hug her again and I think she’d get a kick out of chatting to Joan of Arc too.

Kurt Cobain – I’d love to have a jam session and I have serious questions about the lyrics to Heart Shaped Box.

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: To finally go on some holidays. I’ve worked myself silly the last three years and though I love what I do, I miss travelling so much!

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: That change-makers keep striving to better the industry and illuminate the opportunities we have when we collaborate and innovate. Here’s to a bright future ahead.

ALICE AGER, General Manager Australia, Uniworld Boutique River Cruises.

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: We are heading to Europe for the holidays and my family will be all together celebrating Christmas on board the stunning Uniworld River Princess ship on the Main River in Germany which is very exciting!

We are sailing from Nuremberg to Frankfurt visiting some of the best German Christmas Markets.

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: The best part of the day is eating around a long dining table with lots of family and friends. I love Christmas food!

My mum was English so Christmas has always been traditional roast turkey and all the trimmings regardless of the heat. Everyone is invited so we always have plenty to go around. We squash around the table and eat for hours.

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: You can’t go wrong with Champagne and chocolates for me.

Q: And the worst…?

A: My parents once bought me a Fitbit watch and I remember being highly offended!

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: As long as you are with your family you can be anywhere in the world and be happy. The more family squished around a table the better.

Q: If you could invite three people (living or dead) for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: Will Ferrell dressed as Elf just for the fun and nostalgia, Scott Pape from Barefoot Investor fame, just because I really am his #1 fan, and chef Guillaume Brahimi to make the mashed potatoes.

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: I am determined to complete a one-kilometre ocean swim at Palm Beach in Sydney at the end of January which is way out of my comfort zone.

My resolution is to be fit enough to swim that far and to not wimp out about sharks at the final hour!

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: My hope is for everyone to continue to thrive next year. So many great people doing incredible things in our industry – it is the best place to be. I wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity in 2024.

ANDREW YOUNG, General Manager Sales, TTC Tour Brands Oceania

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: On the farm with our three small children, my parents and my ‘outlaws’ from Vancouver island, BC (my wife’s folks).

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: Seeing the kids’ faces when they come out of their rooms and see the remnants of Santa’s milk and the reindeer’s carrots. Their excitement is something us adults can never replicate!

Excitement on Xmas morning is like a bell curve – until it reaches the climax when you read those horrible words…



Later in the day, sparkling Shiraz is a Christmas special in our house so once that’s popped its game on!

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: A Gameboy when I was 10. Played it the entire summer.

Q: And the worst?

A: A protective apron for chain sawing.

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: It doesn’t matter where I spend Christmas – the most important aspect is being with family.

Our favourite Christmas Day song is Tim Minchin’s White wine in the sun – for those of us in the travel industry, the song captures the feelings of us being away from family at Christmas at some point in our travelling life and then the future prospect of our children doing the same.

If you’re not familiar with this track, put it on your Christmas playlist, sit back, have a wine and toast to those around you happy and healthy enjoying life. That’s what it’s about.

…but if I had to choose, it might be Saas Fee, Switzerland 😊

Q: If you could invite three people (living or dead) for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: Shane Warne – Xmas day backyard cricket and some yarns.

Ricky Gervais – would ensure plenty of laughs.

Blippi – so he can entertain the kids (outside where we can’t hear his voice).

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: Work out more.

Eat and drink less.

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of having the same resolutions.

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: I hope more capacity enters Oceania in Q1, bringing down airfares but also ensuring there are seats for everyone to travel.

On top of that, I wish for Aussie and Kiwi agents to seize the moment in 2024 by booking a guided tour for their clients.

Still too many holiday makers attempting to do FIT – make 2024 the year you change the way you consult and work backwards from coach touring – I know a few brands that have tours to suit any and everyone…

CHRIS ELLIS, Country Manager – Oceania, LATAM Airlines

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: Weather allowing, we normally spend Christmas Day out at the beach with family and friends, enjoying the leftovers from “Christmas night”.

I was raised in South America where the tradition is to celebrate Christmas on December 24 (Christmas night) where we all get together, cook an ‘asado’, dance, listen to music, light fireworks and stay up until midnight where someone will dress up as Santa and surprise the kids with presents.

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: My favourite part is seeing the kids enjoy their presents and spend valuable time with family, who normally come to visit.

This year we are super lucky as both of our families are coming from Uruguay to celebrate Christmas and New Year. It is also a time for us to relax, share stories and simply enjoy each other’s company.

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: A surfboard! I absolutely love the feeling of water, the power of the waves, being surrounded by nature and state of tranquillity and peacefulness it brings me.

Unfortunately, with two young children I don’t get out much now, but they are slowly getting into surfing as well so hopefully soon we will all be able to enjoy it together.

Q: And the worst…?

A: A rubber boat! I remember being so excited seeing that Santa had left me an amazing inflatable boat for two, only to realise that it came with no oars and couldn’t hold more than 40-50kgs without sinking.

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: Punta del Este, Uruguay, for sure. Punta del Este is a hidden gem, located east of Montevideo, jutting into the Atlantic Ocean. It has the best beaches and sunsets in the world, not to mention great surf, nightlife and food.

Q: If you could invite three people (living or dead) for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: I have always believed that in order to make a difference and stand out you need to take risks. Three people that have inspired me due to their innovative mindset, ambitious goals, adventurous and risk-taking characters: Elon Musk, Richard Branson and my dad.

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: We have for many years been hoping to renovate our home in Sydney, so hopefully 2024 will be the year, plus spending more time with our families in South America. Our two children, aged seven and nine, absolutely love spending time with their grandparents, cousins and family.

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: To sell more South America on LATAM Airlines!

Jokes aside, I think the travel industry has shown how resilient and adaptive it is over the last couple of years and I’m sure that will be rewarded again in 2024.

But I would also love to see a continued focus on sustainable and responsible travel and educating travellers on the importance of such.

CAROLYN TURNBULL, Tourism WA Managing Director.

Q: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

A: Perth is one of the sunniest capital cities in the world and Christmas Day always sees West Aussies flock to our many pristine beaches. Our family is no different!

This Christmas, my family and I will be soaking up the sun at the iconic Cottesloe Beach – our family’s local beach.

My kids are very athletic and we love our sport as a family, so we’ll no doubt enjoy a friendly game of rugby down on the sand before taking a dip in the clear blue water in the afternoon, then we’ll head home for a big indulgent lunch.

Q: What’s your favourite part of Christmas Day?

A: Although it’s not technically Christmas Day, my favourite part of Christmas are our traditions as a family.

We are big foodies and we’re lucky to be in Western Australia where fresh, local food is in abundance and we have award-winning restaurants at our doorstep.

Every year my family and I will head out for a lovely dinner in one of our favourite local restaurants on Christmas Eve. It’s always a special moment for me, spending quality time with my family.

Now that the kids are getting older, they can choose the restaurant, which is exciting, as we have so many fine dining options in our area.

After dinner, we head home and my husband and I unwind with some of our favourite Margaret River Region wine and we each get to open one present to celebrate the beginning of Christmas.

Q: The best Christmas present you ever received?

A: A spontaneous mystery trip from my husband, who hired a Red Sands campervan to take me and the kids on a road trip down to Esperance.

It was a complete surprise and we were thrilled to hit the road and visit the beautiful Wave Rock at Hyden before reaching Esperance.

We then spent seven days hiking, four-wheel driving and exploring the region’s beautiful beaches, like Wylie Beach, Cape Le Grand Beach and of course the iconic Lucky Bay, with some of the world’s whitest sand and kangaroos right on the shore.

Q: And the worst…?

A: I couldn’t name a ‘worst present’! It’s the thought that counts and I’m always grateful for any gifts I receive, as well as the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family in our beautiful state.

Q: If you weren’t in Australia, where in the world would you like to spend Christmas?

A: Well, of course, I think Western Australia is the best place to be any time of year and I do love our Aussie Christmases.

If I wasn’t here at home, I’d like to be spending my Christmas in Singapore as long as I’m with my family, which is what Christmas is all about.

I lived in Singapore for many years and was so grateful for the easy access to Western Australia. In fact, we have now more than 40 direct flights to Singapore every week with three different airlines.

We’ve welcomed tens of thousands of visitors from Singapore and look forward to welcoming many more travellers in the future as we see more direct services come online.

Q: If you could invite three people (living or dead) for Xmas lunch, who would it be?

A: Daniel Ricciardo – to swap Westen Australia Dream road trip tips!

Superstar brother and sister golfers, Min Woo Lee and his sister Minjee Lee – as extraordinary Western Australian born and bred sporting talent.

I know that’s technically three, but I’d also love to dine with Richard Branson, as a global inspirational leader who shares Western Australia’s aspirations to dream big and shoot for the stars.

Q: What will be your New Year’s resolutions?

A: For 2024, my resolution will be to lead Tourism WA as an agency to a point where we see our state truly emerge as a world-leading destination in the global travel marketplace.

Q: What are your hopes for the travel industry in 2024?

A: As the Managing Director of Tourism WA, we have big plans for Western Australia in 2024.

Our aim is to attract even more blockbuster events to Western Australia as part of our “always on, year-round” events calendar, which provides a time-specific reason for visitors to come to Western Australia.

We will continue to secure more flight routes, improving aviation access to Western Australia so even more visitors can experience all that the Dream State has to offer.

We look forward to hosting the prestigious World Travel & Tourism Council Global Summit in Perth next year, which will position Western Australia as a leader among nations and allow Tourism Western Australia to influence the global tourism and travel agenda.

We will continue to work with our industry partners to ensure that when visitors arrive in Western Australia, they continue to receive world-class service and experience our unique wildlife, otherworldly landscapes and natural wonders which sets us apart from the rest of the world.

The year ahead is looking very exciting and I can’t wait to share more about our upcoming initiatives and programs in the future.
