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A NEW destination for adventure travellers looking for an eco-conscious walking experience in comfort has just been launched.

The Eco-Comfort Camp on Tasmania’s remote Flinders Island is the first of its kind in the region. It features seven private sleeping tents with a communal recreation and dining platform for meals created from local produce.

The private beachfront camp is nestled among trees with views to the ocean, offering guests a guaranteed level of seclusion and privacy.

The whole endeavour is fuelled by solar power, rainwater is collected for camp usage, toilets are compostable and all the semi-permanent structures are packed away during the off season.

Hikers summit the island’s peaks of Mt Killiecrankie and Mt Strzelecki under the leadership of two wilderness guides with the eco-comfort camp acting as a nightly base.

Flinders Island is known for an array of ecosystems from dunes and lagoons to woodland and granite ridges, and crystal water in which to swim.

Guests will also experience time at Wybalenna to learn of the indigenous history and discover the island’s natural heritage with a visit to the Flinders Island Museum.

“Flinders Island’s unique ecosystem, rugged nature and remote location is ideal for the eco-conscious traveller who likes to sleep in a bit of comfort,” said Sue Badyari, CEO of World Expeditions.

The six-day ‘Flinders Island Walking Adventure in Comfort’ includes five nights, most meals and return flights from Bridport are part of the deal from $3,195 per person.