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Travel agents are being encouraged to sign up for a masterclass that helps unlock some tips and tricks on selling and also offers prizes for participating.

TTC Tour Brands is hosting a series of sessions this month and in June to make it ‘easy-as’ for agents to sell across its five brands.

The weekly Wednesday sessions will shine a spotlight on the company’s brands and groups.

Each masterclass provides a 15 to 20-minute key insight session with top tips and practical elements which agents can work with straight away to help grow sales opportunities and secure bookings.

The masterclasses will cover each brand and topic with a unique spin and kicked off this week with “Sizzling September”, revealing how September travel is trending and how it’s a sought after month for travellers planning their next holiday.

These predictions come off the back of the company’s latest market research which shows interest in international leisure travel remains high for 2024, with 77% of Australians over 18 still planning trips this year. Notably, 28% of those travellers are eyeing September for their journeys.

Forthcoming sessions will cover Insight Vacations (May 15), Trafalgar (May 22) and Contiki Legendary (May 29).

Webinar participants also have the chance to win prizes for attending the masterclasses each week.