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THE TRAVEL industry’s biggest night of the year will have a new home for the first time in nearly 20 years.

The National Travel Industry Awards (NTIA) are leaving Sydney and will be celebrated in Melbourne on November 18.

“As the premier awards for the entire country this is an important evolution,” said Dean Long, AFTA CEO.

“AFTA wants to give all Australian travel professionals the option to participate and attend and there’s no bigger and better event than NTIA.”

In line with the event’s relocation, AFTA said it would soon unveil five members of the industry selected as the first NTIA Custodians.

Those selected will be tasked with advising on the nomination and judging process and shaping the event to make it more relevant and appealing to a wider cross-section of the trade.

The five custodians will represent the whole travel industry, including home-based agents, retail, corporate, online, tour operators, wholesalers and airlines.

Nominations for the 2023 NTIA will open later this year.